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时间:2023-09-07 08:35:51    来源:    作者:








E-mail mengxy_whu@163.com

话: 15827268359




孟详喻,博士研究生毕业/博士学位,讲师,硕士生导师,毕业于巴黎萨克雷大学(法国)。现为湖北民族大学医学部药理学教研室专任教师,欧洲肿瘤内科学会(European Society for Medical Oncology)会员、全法中国科技工作者协会(Association des Scientifiques et des Ingénieurs Chinois en France)会员、亚太生物医学免疫学会(Asia-Pacific Association of Medicine and   Bio-Immunology)血液学专委会委员、湖北省医学生物免疫学会血液学专委会及青年委员会委员,《临床内科杂志》通讯编委、iMeta青年编委,Briefings   in Bioinformatics、British Journal of Psychiatry、   Haematologica、MedComm、Clinical and Translational Medicine、Journal of Advanced Research等数十本SCI期刊审稿人。

2018. 12-2022. 10:法国巴黎萨克雷大学医学部“肿瘤学:生命-医学-健康”博士生院(École Doctorale Cancérologie: Biologie - Médecine -   Santé, Faculté de Médecine, Université Paris-Saclay, Paris, France),肿瘤生物学(Oncologie Moléculaire)专业研究生,获医学博士学位(师从膀胱癌研究专家F.Radvanyi教授);

2013. 09-2015. 06:武汉大学医学部,临床医学七年制(中法班)专业研究生,获临床医学硕士学位(师从多发性骨髓瘤研究专家刘尚勤教授);

2008. 09-2013. 06:武汉大学医学部,临床医学七年制(中法班)专业本科生,获临床医学学士学位。


1、国家自然科学基金项目(基金号:82303057):APOBEC3A驱动膀胱癌发生发展的动物模型及其机制研究,2024. 01-2026.12,主持人,已立项。

2、湖北省自然科学基金项目(基金号:2023AFB521):APOBEC3A驱动膀胱癌发生和恶性进展的体内机制研究,2023. 07-2025.06,主持人,在研。

3、农业生物信息学湖北省重点实验室开放课题项目:基于基因组数据挖掘的APOBEC3家族与自身免疫性疾病的遗传关联及机制分析,2023. 09-2024.08,主持人,在研。

4、湖北民族大学博士科研启动基金,2023. 01-2025.12,主持人,在研。





  1. Ming-Jun Shi#, Xiang-Yu Meng#,*, Jacqueline Fontugne, Chun-Long Chen, François Radvanyi, Isabelle Bernard-Pierrot. Identification of new driver and passenger mutations from APOBEC-induced hotspot mutations in bladder cancer [J]. Genome Medicine, 2020, 12(1): 85 (IF: 12.3) co-first and co-corresponding author.

  2. Ming-Jun Shi#, Xiang-Yu Meng#, Philippe Lamy#, A Rouf Banday#, Jie Yang, Aura Moreno-Vega, Chun-Long Chen, Lars Dyrskjøt*, Isabelle Bernard-Pierrot*, Ludmila Prokunina-Olsson*, François Radvanyi*. APOBEC-mediated Mutagenesis as a Likely Cause of FGFR3 S249C Mutation Over-representation in Bladder Cancer [J]. European Urology, 2019, 76(1): 9-13 (IF: 23.4) co-first author.

  3. Ming-Jun Shi#, Jacqueline Fontugne#, Aura Moreno-Vega#, Xiang-Yu Meng#, Clarice Groeneveld#, Florent Dufour, Aurélie Kamoun, Sia Viborg Lindskrog, Luc Cabel, Clémentine Krucker, Audrey Rapinat, Claire Dunois-Larde, May-Linda Lepage, Elodie Chapeaublanc, Olivier Levrel, Victoria Dixon, Thierry Lebret, Anna Almeida, Aurélien De Reynies, Natacha Rochel, Lars Dyrskjøt, Yves Allory, François Radvanyi, Isabelle Bernard-Pierrot*. FGFR3 Mutational Activation Can Induce Luminal-like Papillary Bladder Tumor Formation and Favors a Male Sex Bias [J]. European Urology, 2023, 83(1): 70-81 (IF: 23.4) co-first author.

  4. Si-Qing Liu#, Zhi-Jie Gao#, Juan Wu#, Hong-Mei Zheng, Bei Li, Si Sun*, Xiang-Yu Meng*, Qi Wu*. Single-cell and spatially resolved analysis uncovers cell heterogeneity of breast cancer [J]. Journal of Hematology & Oncology, 2022, 15(1): 19 (IF: 28.5) co-corresponding author.

  5. Xiang-Yu Meng*. NLRC5 germline variants as potential pharmacogenomic markers for immune checkpoint inhibitors [J]. Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer, 2023, 11(6):e007255 (IF: 10.9) first and corresponding author.

  6. Jia-Hao Lu#, Shuo Li#, Wen-Jie Zhang#, Qi Zhang#, Chun-Ming Liu, Shu-Yang Jiang, Qiao-Hua Xiong, Xiang-Yu Meng*, Fu-Bing Wang*. ΔNp63 drives epithelial differentiation in glioma [J]. Clinical and Translational Medicine, 2020, 10(4): e165 (IF: 10.6) co-corresponding author.

  7. Xiang-Yu Meng*. “Paradoxical neoantigenic mutations”: not simply a driver vs passenger dualism [J]. British Journal of Cancer, 2023, 129(1):1-2 (IF: 8.8) first and corresponding author.

  8. Fei Long#, Wei Wang#, Shuo Li#, Bicheng Wang#, Xin Hu, Jun Wang, Yaqi Xu, Min Liu, Junting Zhou, Huaqi Si, Xiaodan Xi, Xiang-Yu Meng*, Chunhui Yuan*, Fubing Wang*. The potential crosstalk between tumor and plasma cells and its association with clinical outcome and immunotherapy response in bladder cancer [J]. Journal of Translational Medicine, 2023, 21(1): 298 (IF: 7.4) co-corresponding author.

  9. Xiang-Yu Meng*. Comments on “Methylation scores for smoking, alcohol consumption, and body mass index and risk of seven types of cancer”. International Journal of Cancer, 2023, 153(8):1543-1544 (IF: 6.4) first and corresponding author.

  10. Fei Long#, Shuo Li#, Yaqi Xu, Min Liu, Xuan Zhang, Junting Zhou, Yiyi Chen, Yuan Rong, Xiang-Yu Meng*, Fubing Wang*. Dynamic gene screening enabled identification of a 10-gene panel for early detection and progression assessment of gastric cancer [J]. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 2022, 21:677-687 (IF: 6.0) co-corresponding author.

  11. Xiang-Yu Meng#*, Qiao-Li Wang#, Ming-Jun Shi#, Hong-Yu Zhang*. Historical pathogen-driven selection may contribute to contemporary ethnic difference in bladder cancer susceptibility [J]. Bladder Cancer (official journal of Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network), 2023, pre-press, (IF: 1.1) co-first and co-corresponding author.

  12. Jie-Li Li, Guang-Yu Fan, Yu-Jie Liu, Zi-Hang Zeng, Jing-Juan Huang, Zong-Ming Yang, Xiang-Yu Meng*. Long-Term Efficacy of Maintenance Therapy for Multiple Myeloma: A Quantitative Synthesis of 22 Randomized Controlled Trials [J]. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2018, 9: 430 (IF: 5.6) corresponding author.

  13. Xiang-Yu Meng#, Ming-Jun Shi#, Zi-Hang Zeng#, Chen Chen, Tong-Zu Liu, Qiu-Ji Wu, Shuo Li, Sheng Li*. The Role of COL5A2 in Patients With Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer: A Bioinformatics Analysis of Public Datasets Involving 787 Subjects and 29 Cell Lines [J]. Frontiers in Oncology, 2019, 8: 659 (IF: 4.7) co-first author.

  14. Xian-Wu Luo, Xue-Qing Du, Jie-Li Li, Xiao-Ping Liu, Xiang-Yu Meng*. Treatment options for refractory/relapsed multiple myeloma: an updated evidence synthesis by network meta-analysis [J]. Cancer Management and Research, 2018, 10: 2817-2823 (IF: 3.3) corresponding author.

  15. Zi-Hang Zeng, Jia-Feng Chen, Yi-Xuan Li, Ran Zhang, Ling-Fei Xiao, Xiang-Yu Meng*. Induction regimens for transplant-eligible patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: a network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials [J]. Cancer Management and Research, 2017, 9: 287-298 (IF: 3.3) corresponding author.

  16. Xiang-Yu Meng#, Yi Liao#, Xiao-Ping Liu, Sheng Li, Ming-Jun Shi, Xian-Tao Zeng*. Concurrent cisplatin-based chemoradiotherapy versus exclusive radiotherapy in high-risk cervical cancer: a meta-analysis [J]. OncoTargets and Therapy, 2017, 9: 1875-1888 (IF: 4.0) co-first author.

  17. Jia-Feng Chen, Ling-Fei Xiao, Ran Zhang, Zi-Hang Zeng, Yi-Xuan Li, Xiang-Yu Meng*. Bortezomib, Thalidomide, and Dexamethasone (VTD) Induction Results in Better Overall Survival than Adriamycin, Thalidomide, and Dexamethasone (ATD) Induction in Previously Untreated Myeloma Patients Eligible for Transplants [J]. Acta Haematologica, 2017, 137(4): 207-208 (IF: 2.4) corresponding author.

  18. Hélène Neyret-Kahn#*, Jacqueline Fontugne#, Xiang-Yu Meng, Clarice S Groeneveld, Luc Cabel, Tao Ye, Elodie Guyon, Clémentine Krucker, Florent Dufour, Elodie Chapeaublanc, Audrey Rapinat, Daniel Jeffery, Laura Tanguy, Victoria Dixon, Yann Neuzillet, Thierry Lebret, David Gentien, Irwin Davidson, Yves Allory, Isabelle Bernard-Pierrot, François Radvanyi. Epigenomic mapping identifies an enhancer repertoire that regulates cell identity in bladder cancer through distinct transcription factor networks [J]. Oncogene, 2023, 42(19): 1524-1542 (IF: 8.0).

  19. Afonso R M Almeida, João L Neto, Ana Cachucho, Mayara Euzébio, Xiang-Yu Meng, Rathana Kim, Marta B Fernandes, Beatriz Raposo, Mariana L Oliveira, Daniel Ribeiro, Rita Fragoso, Priscila P Zenatti, Tiago Soares, Mafalda R de Matos, Juliana Ronchi Corrêa, Mafalda Duque, Kathryn G Roberts, Zhaohui Gu, Chunxu Qu, Clara Pereira, Susan Pyne, Nigel J Pyne, Vasco M Barreto, Isabelle Bernard-Pierrot, Emannuelle Clappier, Charles G Mullighan, Ana R Grosso, J Andrés Yunes, João T Barata*. Interleukin-7 receptor α mutational activation can initiate precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia [J]. Nature Communications, 2021, 12(1): 7268 (IF: 16.6)

  20. Xuan Xu, Hui Wang, David A Bennett, Qing-Ye Zhang, Xiang-Yu Meng, Hong-Yu Zhang*. Characterization of brain resilience in Alzheimer’s disease using polygenic risk scores and further improvement by integrating mitochondria-associated loci [J]. Journal of Advanced Research, 2023, S2090-1232(23)00071-1, online ahead of print (IF: 10.2)


  21. 《DK人体百科(涂色版)》,2019,北京科学技术出版社,主译。

  22. 《人体筋膜系统功能学图谱》,2017,北京科学技术出版社,副主译。

  23. 《应用STATA做Meta分析》,2016,中国协和医科大学出版社,编者。

  24. 《循证临床实践指南的研发与评价》,2016,中国协和医科大学出版社, 编者。

  25. 《R与Meta分析》,2016,军事医学科学出版社,编者。



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